1. IcosohedronTexture

Subreport: To Run Again On EC2


Creates a texture map which can be wrapped around a sphere, by painting several rendered views of the sphere.

Subreport: Logs for com.simiacryptus.ref.lang.ReferenceCountingBase

Symmetry Spec: IcosohedronTexture.scala:48 executed in 0.11 seconds (0.000 gc):

    val steps = optimizationViewLimit * optimizationViewLimit
    Random.shuffle((for (x <- (0 until steps).map(_ * 2 * Math.PI / steps)) yield {
      for (y <- (0 until steps).map(_ * 2 * Math.PI / steps)) yield {
        new RotationalGroupView(x, y, ICOSOHEDRON)



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Subreport: Symmetry View Demonstration

Subreport: Style Images

Subreport: Resolution 128