1. SimilarityGrid

Subreport: To Run Again On EC2


Creates a square texture with a degeneracy which ensures repeating, similar but gradually evolving repeating patterns on both horizontal and vertical offset axes.

Subreport: Logs for com.simiacryptus.ref.lang.ReferenceCountingBase

Symmetry Spec: SimilarityGrid.scala:36 executed in 0.02 seconds (0.000 gc):

      TransformVector(offset = List(1).map(x => Array(0, x.toDouble / 5) -> Permutation.unity(3)).toMap),
      TransformVector(offset = List(1).map(x => Array(x.toDouble / 5, 0) -> Permutation.unity(3)).toMap)
    )).flatMap(x=>List(x,x++List(TransformVector(offset = Map(Array(0.5, 0.5) -> Permutation.unity(3))))))



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Subreport: Symmetry View Demonstration

Subreport: Style Images

Subreport: Resolution 100

Subreport: Resolution 200

Subreport: Resolution 400

Subreport: Resolution 800